
Wednesday Randomness

Hey y'all, how's your week going? Mine is going by fast! yesterday at work we got to go out for our departmental Christmas lunch, today my co-worker and I are eating at Pei Wei with a coupon and tomorrow is our all staff Christmas party catered by Panera! As you can see I'm having a good eating week which is very exciting in my world!

Matt and I went to see "Lincoln" on Monday night. A Monday night movie is amazing, the theater was pretty empty, the tickets to the movie were cheaper and the movie was great! We loved it. The only thing was all the recognizable actors in the movie decked out in the1860's look left me wondering, where have I seen this actor before?? The theater we went to also has new recliners which was a lovely surprise, I don't think I can go back to a normal movie theater seat again.

I've started using half and half in my coffee this week, so yum! It's also got less calories than milk which surprised me.

I worked out hard last night for the first time in a couple of weeks and I'm feeling it today! I know I had a good workout at least (I did yesterday's Tone It Up Tuesday Workout! Love TIU!)

I also plan on making these soon! Don't they look so good??

Happy Wednesday, I hope you have a great day!


Rachel @ front row seat said...

I totally thought the same thing during Lincoln. There were several characters that left me wanting to pull my phone out and google search to find out how I knew them! funny!

Because Shanna Said So said...

I want to see Lincoln so badly. I can't even tell you the last time I went to the movies...guess I will wait for RedBox. Work out a little for me next time...I need to be super sore, okay!? ;) Thanks for linking up!