

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a day of great food and then we watched football the rest of the day at my parents house! My mom pretty much had everything ready to be put in the oven so there wasn't much cooking Thursday morning, just putting the final touches on everything and carving the turkey!
Dessert table

Two dinner tables pushed together to make one!

Snowman my mom made

The table all set

A few different chairs to fit everyone

Hubby with Frances checking out the adds for Black Friday

My Brother appreciated me taking his photo

Looking out the window

Dad and dog carving the turkey

Dressing and other side dishes

My grandma and great uncle

My grandfather-in-law getting some pie

Mom and dad cleaning up

The table after the meal
I like our eclectic table, we had 14 people at my parents house so we had mix matched chairs and dishes which was fun and cute.

We ended the day with craft time and made some glitter covered Christmas lights!

The day was exhausting for the cats, they had to show off how cute they are all day to all of our guests.

They ended up going to bed a little earlier than usual.



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